Located on the Château de la Tuilerie estate in Nîmes, within the SICAM buildings designed by architect Armand Pellier, L’Atelier du Rhum is a boutique dedicated to Chantal Comte’s rums.
It also serves as a showcase for the majority of rums from the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean and offers a selection of the world’s finest whiskies (Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, etc.), along with other spirits such as gin, port, and sherry, for a more comprehensive offering.
L’Atelier du Rhum is also a venue dedicated to tasting experiences. In the book "Culture Rhum" by Patrick Mahé (see attached article), the author discusses our workshops and food pairings with rum, where for years we have experimented with pairing rum with various dishes, served as tapas, to challenge preconceived notions and demonstrate the versatile pairing possibilities of rum.These thematic tastings are hosted by Chantal Comte.
Tasting session organisation (by appointment):
Price: €30 per person (refunded for a minimum purchase of €200).
For inquiries, contact us by email at contact@chantalcomte.com orby phone at +33 4 66 70 10 55.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: By appointment only for a personalised tasting experience. Otherwise, regular opening hours:
• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
• Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
For more information, follow us on:
FACEBOOK : Rhum Chantal Comte
INSTAGRAM : @rhumchantalcomte
The Food & Rum Pairing Tastings hosted by Chantal Comte for the past twenty years in the tasting room of L’Atelier du Rhum are featured in Patrick Mahé’s book below.
RUM and GASTRONOMY ... In Occitania, for more than thirty years, Chantal Comte, international expert, has created, in her Château de la Tuilerie in Nîmes, fun workshops around rum and gastronomy. She brings together her distinguished colleagues, such as Claire Martin de Foresta, a truffle specialist, who reigns over the “Black diamond and liquid gold” workshop. Chantal Comte's collection of rums has been selected by major restaurants, such as that of Alain Ducasse, multi-star chef and ambassador of French gastronomy around the world. So she multiplies taste experiences as much as she wants. ... |